How do you learn, what do you decide to learn and why?

The HasGeek Newsletter 💌

Shreyas Narayanan


How do you learn? What do you decide to learn and and why? We want to know!

Learning is necessary for those of us in technology since things change so fast. Question is: what do you choose to learn and why?

Last week, we started a conversation on Twitter about which avenues facilitate learning for you:

Here are a few insights from the discussion on Twitter:

We want to hear from you. What are the different touch points in your life where you felt the need for learning? Where or who did you turn to at such times? Join this discussion.

What matters more — culture, cadence or infrastructure? Questions for Rootconf 2018

Infrastructure is a complex and expensive problem. The challenges are clearly more than technical. Some of the issues we came across were:

  1. Cadence of the team.
  2. Communication between teams.
  3. Autonomy of teams.
  4. Establishing a set of principles for the organization.
  5. Knowledge of, and accountability to, the customer.

As we put together a schedule of talks, BOFs and unconference for Rootconf, tell us what are the problems you face and what you’d like to discuss at the conference. Drop us a note on or tweet to us on @rootconf.

Here’s what happened at the Node.js Hacknight

Running on coffee and coke, 11 participants stayed up all night at HasGeek house on 24 February, to build their hacks. These hacks ranged from simple hall management system to online IDEs. Mentors from Juspay and Hasura guided the participants through their missions. The best takeaway all of them had the environment of collaboration rather than competition.

We want to continue this connect we have with you. Let us know by responding to this mail: what would you like to hack on and who would you like us to reach out to — we’ll try our best to make it happen.

Missed the hacknight? Here’s a fun short video of what happened.

WhatsApp UPI — learn more about the new features

WhatsApp definitely has been the buzz among payment apps in the past couple of weeks. There are controversies around the features and guidelines followed.

Read more about this in the 50p blog:

We have a schedule for ReactFoo Hyderabad

From talks on state management, evaluating Redux and MobX to alternatives to React such as Angular and Vue, we have packed a punch.

View ReactFoo Hyderabad schedule:

The icing on the cake is the closing panel on challenges on building reusable front-ends. Does this question bother you? If yes, then pick your ticket and come over!

Date: 17 March.

Venue: T-Hub building, IIIT-H campus, Hyderabad.

Buy tickets here:

A big thank you to mentors and contributors from the community for reviewing talks and mentoring speakers for the conference.

If you want to upgrade your skills with React, attend the deep dive workshop on React internals on 18 March. More details here:

After Hyderabad, ReactFoo travels to Mumbai and Delhi

ReactFoo is a wonderful success story of a platform that is being created by the community. Contributions from speakers at the Bangalore and Pune edition have encouraged us to bring ReactFoo to Mumbai on 26 May followed by Delhi on 18 August.

See for details on the Mumbai and Delhi editions. You can participate by:

  1. Submitting a talk.
  2. Proposing to teach a workshop.
  3. Volunteering at the conference.
  4. Sponsoring the events for evangelising developer tools and hiring

Deep learning bootcamp

If you’re looking to upskill or switch to a different domain, data science courses are becoming popular again. FACTOR DAILY has a good article on what these trends mean and how these courses are facing competition from Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC).

Read the article here:

Learn and implement an end-to-end deep learning model for computer vision and natural language processing at the Deep Learning Bootcamp happening on 10–11 March 2018 in Bangalore.

Register and buy tickets now:

50p Handbook

Those of you who requested for a copy of the 50p handbook last week, your copies are on the way! If you missed the announcement and giveaway, you can still read the handbook here: You can use this link to download an e-book copy of the handbook and read it on the web as well.

If you have any articles that you’d like to be included in the handbook or have suggestions, head over here:


Deep Learning Bootcamp
10–11 March

^Powered by CMS
23 March
MCCIA Trade Tower, Senapati Bapat Road, Pune

ReactFoo Hyderabad
17 March

Rootconf 2018
11–12 May
NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore

Anthill Inside 2018
25 July
NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore

The Fifth Elephant 2018
26–27 July
NIMHANS Convention Centre, Bangalore

On our radar

News and events of interest from partners, friends, and beyond

AI talent in India
FactorDaily wrote an article about AI talent in India, that raises an interesting question about whether education is simply a recognition of your skill or does it really teach you how to solve problems? Are trends in technology also producing short-term trends in education which fosters linear and narrow thinking instead of helping learners connect the dots?

Read the article here:



Shreyas Narayanan

All things open | Community 🧙 @NEARProtocol | 👨‍🏫 @mozilla | ❤️ Startups | Remote work 🌐 | Blockchain ⛓| Technology 👨‍💻