3 things I learned this week

Contains bits on Remix Culture, added obvious facts and aha moments

Shreyas Narayanan Kutty
4 min readJan 8, 2017

Thursday’s are amazing! You know that you’re this close to Friday and suddenly you’re filled with happiness. This was reinforced because in my university, we were served Chicken Biryani on Thursday 😁.

This Thursday, I attended the Under 25 Summit at NUMA Bangalore, on the Tech Day. I must say that it’s pretty amazing how the Under 25 Club community has grown, but that’s probably for some other time.

The last talk for the day was by Krish Ashok. It was beyond amazing!

Krish is one of the most multi-talented people I’ve met. He’s a musician, blogger, techie & a photoshop ninja. His talk wasn’t about imparting ‘gyaan’. It was about him, his background and his work. If you read between the lines, you could gather some really important takeaways from his talk.

Remix Culture in this digital era

This is probably one of the main reasons he’s viral on the internet- from the songs, to the memes to the comic strips.

For those of you unfamiliar with the term Remix Culture, here’s Wikipedia definition-

Remix Culture is a society that allows and encourages derivative works by combining or editing existing materials to produce a new product.

This also really resonates with me. One of the main reasons I contribute to Mozilla Learning is because the web is the the largest decentralized source of information. It is absolutely to improve participation on the internet. We want people to grow from being consumers of the web to becoming content producers. One of the ways to do that is by educating them about the web so that we produce more amazing projects like Wikipedia. Remix Culture is probably one of the best things ever. And since we’re on that topic, I cannot avoid mentioning Creative Commons.

Jack of trades master of none- is not bad!

Source: https://brendonnaicker.files.wordpress.com

Most of us were always told to do one thing- and do it well. Although it’s a different story that most of us don’t realize what we’re good at. The journey is exciting. We experiment with a whole bunch of weird ideas(at least, I did). Now you meet this person who’s a musician, blogger and what not.

Don’t narrow your focus. Do multiple things. Have multiple skills.

You can’t really blame your parents for having you believe in this. Things have changed a lot since then. Probably some of the jobs that existed during their times have been automated with the help of technology. So what can you do now?

Never. Stop. Learning.

Yes, it’s that simple. ‘Not enough time’ is just an excuse. Something Krish mentioned during the talk was- If you don’t enjoy your work, you’re not doing the right thing.
So if you’re unhappy right now with your work, keep learning new skills until you have the self confidence to make a move.

Google is your resume


How many times have you googled a potential company before applying? Or googled about a candidate before calling him/her for an interview? People are becoming more and more social every day and almost all of this information that is put out, is indexed. Here are some interesting examples of people who lost their jobs because of Social Media.

Source: http://workbloom.com/networking/google-your-new-resume.aspx

Build your online persona and interlink it offline. I ♥️ all things social. But I also love meeting people IRL*. I’ve made some good friends after interacting with them online and then meeting in person. That online+offline connection is really strong. It removes the awkwardness of talking to a stranger and at the same time, provides you some insights about what his/her interests are.

Then again, there’s the other side of the coin

*Conditions Apply

This blog is a part of my “One Blog Per Week” resolution. Contains random rambling, learning and experience. If you have any inputs/thoughts, shout out to me at @dun3buggi3.



Shreyas Narayanan Kutty
Shreyas Narayanan Kutty

Written by Shreyas Narayanan Kutty

All things open | Community 🧙| Previously @NEARProtocol | 👨‍🏫 @mozilla| @coinlist | ❤️ Startups | Remote work 🌐 | Blockchain ⛓| Technology 👨‍💻

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